

Spacious, temperature-controlled and acoustically treated Control Room for comfortable working.
Controlled by a hybrid analogue/digital ALLEN & HEATH GSR 24 desk with top quality preamps
and EQs, and all the outboard at your hands.

You will be able to sit on the sofa while you prepare your sessions or listen and
also work alongside the technician in the closest and most human way possible.

A whole section of guitar amplifiers at your disposal and inside the control room itself,
so that you can operate them in real time.

An exclusive area for adjusting the instruments,
so that no one has to suffer from back pain or uncomfortable positions
uncomfortable positions when setting up your instrument.



Very spacious live room for all kinds of recordings, temperature-controlled and acoustically treated for a lively sound capture.

We have several guitar cabs and a varied backline to cover all kinds of musical styles.

Wide selection of microphones for different configurations and sounds.

The room is adapted for shows and live events, streamings, recording of video clips and playthroughs,
so you can document your time in the studio or have promotional content for your next release.



We have a cozy lounge room. In every recording it is necessary to rest, disconnect
or simply a change of scenery as the days are long.
and for this purpose we have a place with a fridge, a bar, an arcade machine
with the most legendary games of your childhood and a place to rest.

But don’t get too excited, you have to work on your music.

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Auryn Studios | Copyright © 2022